Traditionally, first responders or military personnel who were faced with an unknown chemical substance would use either Raman spectroscopy or Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to help identify the solid or liquid material. Currently, these two techniques have become a powerful and necessary tool when performing material identification in the field. In both FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, the instruments […]
Golf-Ball Sized Diamond Needs a Pro’s Evaluation

Well, it wasn’t as big as the 1,100+ carat tennis ball-sized diamond we reported on in October, but the latest gem find announced by Sierra Leone’s Minerals Agency is a 476-carat diamond that is bigger than a golf ball. The diamond was discovered in an area spanning from the Kamara Gbense to the Tankoro chiefdoms in Sierra Leone (Kono District). […]
Industrija hrane

Reologija uključuje proučavanje mehaničkih svojstava hrane i njihovog protjecanja i deformiranja u različitim uvjetima – lijevanje, hladenje, tijekom vremena itd. Ekstruzija hrane je uspostavljena i vrlo svestrana tehnika za proizvodnju hrane, hrane za životinje, prehrambenih dodataka i okusa. Kliknite na navedeni link kako bi preuzeli dokumente o detaljima primjene reologije i ekstruzije u hrani.
FTIR Microscopy Analyzes Microplastics in the Environment

Exfoliation has become a common practice in facials and other cosmetic treatments. The outer layers of skin contain a significant number of dead cells. Removal of these cells, called exfoliation, produces a cosmetically cleaner appearance. With the surge of interest in this practice, many cosmetic producers began using tiny pieces of materials in their products […]
e-Book: Integrative Structural Biology

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and mass spectrometry (MS) – equip structural biologists with sophisticated ways to define complex structures at an unprecedented level of detail. Investigate now »
eBook: Advances in Biopharmaceutical Characterization

Interview with Alexander Makarov In this eBook, readers will gain insight into the evolution and future of Orbitrap-based mass spectrometry systems straight from the inventor of this technology, Alexander Makarov, Director of Global Research LSMS at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Learn more »
Webinar: Native mass spectrometry – a new platform for the characterization of therapeutic targets | December 5

Join us on December 5, 2017 for the last of our 3-part webinar series that covers Invention, Research & Application of Intact & Native Mass Spectrometry for Biopharmaceuticals. In this lecture Prof. Dame Carol Robinson DBE, FRS FMedSci (University of Oxford; President elect of the Royal Society of Chemistry; and founder of OMass) will demonstrate […]
Edible Insects: Food Safety for Six-Legged Protein Sources

Although we regularly cover bug testing for food safety, we’ve never covered bugs as edible items on Examining Food. However, rising interest in edible insects as novel protein sources means that food industry members, including producers, regulatory officials and allied biotechnology companies, will need to pay attention to ensure consumer safety. Interest in insects as […]