Lab hack [lab hak] noun: A trick, shortcut, skill, or method that improves lab productivity and efficiency Our webinar series will focus on ways to help you tweak your chromatography and elemental analysis workflows, improve your methods, or adopt new technologies that can make a real difference in your lab operations. Between May 18 and […]
Ensuring product safety and efficacy of alcohol-based hand sanitizers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first revised its hand hygiene guidelines in 2002 to recommend alcohol-based hand sanitizer as a possible alternative to hand cleansing with soap and water for the public and health care personnel. The majority of alcohol-based hand sanitizers contain either isopropanol, ethanol, n-propanol, or a combination of two […]
Food – rheology and extrusion compentium

Welcome to the skilled guide on food rheology and extrusion! Here you’ll find a compendium of useful articles and application notes providing expertise on enhancing food properties via rheology and extrusion. Foods can be structurally complex, incorporating emulsions and mixing solids, liquids and gels into a single product. The information in this compendium can help […]
Interview with Dr. Kameda, Environmental Microplastic Researcher

As an Associate Professor at the Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, Dr. Yutaka Kameda has worked on several research projects regarding microplastics in the environment including establishing analysis methods to measure microplastics with FTIR spectroscopy. In this interview, you’ll read about his environmental research as well as his thoughts on the current and future state […]
Webinar: The Complete Polymer Analysis Workstation

Having an all-in-one tool not only provides comprehensive insight with correlative analysis but enhances efficiency through automation and the simplicity of owning a single instrument. When analyzing polymer samples for research and development or quality control, multiple tools are necessary. The Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iS50 FTIR Spectrometer is one such tool as it can […]