Pozivamo vas na vodeći događaj posvećen analizi kvalitete zraka. Datum: 10. 04.2025., ZAGREBTOWER, Radnička cesta 80,Zagreb Poštovani, S velikim zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na seminar Airnalysis 2025, vodeći događaj posvećen analizi kvalitete zraka. Seminar će pružiti vrijedne uvide u najnovija dostignuća u praćenju onečišćujućih tvari u zraku, s posebnim naglaskom na crni ugljik, ultrafine čestice, PFAS […]
Seminar: SAFETY & SECURITY: Tehnologije detekcije CBRNE prijetnji

Pozivamo Vas na seminar SAFETY & SECURITY: Tehnologije detekcije CBRNE prijetnji.Seminar će se održati u prostorijama Kraš Auditoriuma 05.03.2024. s registracijom od 08:00 te početkom programa u 08:30 sati. Prijava na seminar

KADA? 13. rujna – 18. listopada Utorkom od 17:30 CET Vrijeme trajanja: 30 minuta Pridružite nam se utorcima, počevši od 13. rujna, u novom ciklusu webinara koji će se fokusirati na alternativne proteine i mesa na bazi bilja. Naši govornici će podijeliti svoja iskustva tijekom 20-minutnog predavanja nakon kojega će uslijedi 10-minutna Q&A sesija. Registrirajte […]
Pharma e-Symposium: Advancements in Drug Development and Formulation

Pharma e-Symposium: Advancements in Drug Development and Formulation Register September 14, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. EDT | 15:00 p.m. – 17:45 p.m. BST | 16:00 p.m. – 18:45 p.m. CESTSeptember 15, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. EDT | 15:00 p.m. – 16:45 p.m. BST | 16:00 p.m. – 17:45 p.m. […]
Novi Nicolet™ RaptIR™ FTIR Mikroskop

The Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ RaptIR™ FTIR Microscope offers precision and agility to help streamline sample analysis by quickly generating actionable results. Homing in on the intricacies of a sample to find the answer you need is often a lengthy and difficult process. Any amount of time saved while searching for the solution makes a world […]
Nove UV Curing aplikacije

U nastavku teksta nalazi se kratak opis UV Curing opcije HAAKE Mars reometara. Ovdje Vam želimo predstaviti nove razvoje na području UV Curing aplikacija: UV measuring cell for rheological measurements at ambient temperature Measuring cell for UV assisted thermal curing at elevated temperatures Measuring cell for UV assisted thermal curing and simultaneous FTIR spectroscopy Universal […]
Applications of Raman Spectroscopy in pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Join us in this 30 minute webinar to understand how Raman spectroscopy can help you to ease analytical bottle neck in Bio pharmaceutical manufacturing. Event details: 9/6/2021, 3:30 PM – 9/6/2021, 4:00 PM Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb Microsoft Teams meeting Speakers: Shailesh Karavadra, Shailesh has over 15 years of […]

Join us for Spectroscopy Week: Virtual Users Meeting Research, production and analytical laboratories worldwide rely on spectroscopy and other characterization tools for the rapid development of new innovative materials and the efficient qualitative and quantitative analysis of those materials. This is evident in areas such as forensics, polymers, food & beverage and pharmaceuticals. With these […]
8150 In-line Production Automated Filter Tester

TSI is announcing its new in-line production automated filter tester, Model 8150. It is based on components from 8130A-OIL/8130A-EN-OIL bud for automatic production line for quality control of respirators FFP3 and P1 cartridges. Model 8150 will be officially released by the end of March 2021. Here are its basic information:
TSI Tools for Measuring Submicron Particle Filtration of Medical Masks And Respirators to ASTM F2100

What are Medical Masks? Medical masks are designed to be worn by health professionals during healthcare procedures. They are used with the intent of protecting both the wearer and the patient from infections spread by inhalable droplets and aerosols; see Figure 1. The category of “medical masks” includes procedure masks (also called “isolation masks”) and […]