Goals and Objectives: Develop a methodology for the isolation and analysis of microplastic particles using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy Isolate microplastic particles from solutions using filters that allow direct spectroscopic analysis Determine the size and shape of the microplastic particles using image analysis Identify the type of microplastic using FTIR or Raman spectroscopy by […]
Interview with Dr. Kameda, Environmental Microplastic Researcher

As an Associate Professor at the Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, Dr. Yutaka Kameda has worked on several research projects regarding microplastics in the environment including establishing analysis methods to measure microplastics with FTIR spectroscopy. In this interview, you’ll read about his environmental research as well as his thoughts on the current and future state […]
Seminar: Karakterizacija materijala i analiza mikroplastike

Poštovani poslovni suradnici, Organiziramo seminar gdje ćete imati priliku čuti informacije o izazovima i rješenjima za analizu mikroplastike iz okoliša i hrane te više informacija o tehnikama karakterizacije materijala. Predavanja će održati kolege iz kompanije ThermoFisher Scientific te ćete imati priliku saznati novosti iz tehnika FTIR, Raman, NIR, UV-VIS i reologije . Seminar je besplatan […]
Microplastics Analysis by FTIR and Raman

Small particles. Big impact. Beaches, clothing, bottled water, fish, beer, the air and honey all have one thing in common. They each contain microplastics. Less than 5 millimeters in size [1], these confounding microparticles are an urgent concern as they invade food chains and slip through purification systems undetected. Microplastics are small plastic fibers […]
Everyone into the Pool (and Why It’s Safe to Do So)

During a recent search for a new apartment, I was presented with some sharply contrasting options. One had a balcony overlooking the carport and dumpsters, while the other had a view of umbrella-shaded tables and lounge chairs surrounding an oval shaped pool. It doesn’t take a lot of brain power to figure out which one […]
Environmental and water analysis: The latest advancements

Relevant information for environmental and water analysis Are you interested in regular updates on applications, webinars, events, and up-to-date news about recent innovations and technologies? See below for a sampling of some of the most popular content we’ve provided; valuable information for all scientists involved in environmental and water testing. These resources cover a range […]
Take a 5 Minute Look at iQ Gas Analyzers Predictive Diagnostics

The iQ Series of gas analyzers, the latest platform of Thermo ScientificTM gas analyzers, is now available for purchase and quote. Predictive Diagnostics is a standard feature of the iQ Series platform which is designed to anticipate your instrument’s maintenance needs, identify possible component failures, reduce downtime and reduce troubleshooting time. If a predictive diagnostic […]
FTIR Microscopy Analyzes Microplastics in the Environment

Exfoliation has become a common practice in facials and other cosmetic treatments. The outer layers of skin contain a significant number of dead cells. Removal of these cells, called exfoliation, produces a cosmetically cleaner appearance. With the surge of interest in this practice, many cosmetic producers began using tiny pieces of materials in their products […]