No single chemical detection tool can provide answers for every possible scenario. Responders step on-scene with a diverse toolkit to tackle any situation. Stay familiar with the tools in your kit and when to use each one. A number of factors affect your choice, including: Phases of Matter – Solid, liquid, or vapor Mixtures – […]
App Note: Combating the opioid epidemic with Raman

Illicitly manufactured fentanyl is becoming a major driver of opioid overdose. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), illegal, lab-made fentanyl was involved in more than 50% of opioid overdose deaths in 2016. A new application note discusses the analyses of fentanyl using FT-Raman spectroscopy along with the advantages that this technique […]
Get a FREE copy of “10 Things You Need to Know About Handheld Explosives Trace Detectors”

This popular guidebook answers questions such as: How can new classes of handheld explosives trace detectors be used to prevent terrorism? What are the performance advantages and trade-offs for the various detector technologies? What is throughput and how does it impact screening efficiency and cost of ownership? Please click on the button below and we […]
App Note: Optimize processing conditions for improved plastic manufacturing

Understanding how polymer melts deform and flow is key to knowing how to effectively process and transform them into the end products we readily consume. In this application note see how different rheological tests can provide an understanding of the viscoelastic properties of polymeric materials to optimize formulations and blends as well as to adapt […]
Take a 5 Minute Look at iQ Gas Analyzers Predictive Diagnostics

The iQ Series of gas analyzers, the latest platform of Thermo ScientificTM gas analyzers, is now available for purchase and quote. Predictive Diagnostics is a standard feature of the iQ Series platform which is designed to anticipate your instrument’s maintenance needs, identify possible component failures, reduce downtime and reduce troubleshooting time. If a predictive diagnostic […]
Thermo Scientific Orion Star T910 pH Titrator – Automate acid/base titrations for simple accuracy

Automate titrations for simple accuracy We have integrated our core electrochemistry technology with a state-of-the-art reagent dispensing system to create a modern, simplified automated titrator designed to make performing titrations easier, more reliable and more reproducible than manual titrations. Our automated titrators expand the number of ions and compounds that can be measured beyond direct electrode […]
New Genesys spectrophotometers – like no other!

Like no other UV-Vis available today, the new GENESYS spectrophotometers will delight you with exceptional performance in a real-world, ergonomic package. Designed with a deep understanding of the challenges you face in your lab every day, the GENESYS spectrophotometers will make doing your job easier than ever before. Walk-up convenience – modern, simple-to-use touchscreen […]
When It Comes to Hazmat, Are Two Technologies in One Better Than Two Instruments?

Traditionally, first responders or military personnel who were faced with an unknown chemical substance would use either Raman spectroscopy or Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to help identify the solid or liquid material. Currently, these two techniques have become a powerful and necessary tool when performing material identification in the field. In both FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, the instruments […]
Golf-Ball Sized Diamond Needs a Pro’s Evaluation

Well, it wasn’t as big as the 1,100+ carat tennis ball-sized diamond we reported on in October, but the latest gem find announced by Sierra Leone’s Minerals Agency is a 476-carat diamond that is bigger than a golf ball. The diamond was discovered in an area spanning from the Kamara Gbense to the Tankoro chiefdoms in Sierra Leone (Kono District). […]
Industrija hrane

Reologija uključuje proučavanje mehaničkih svojstava hrane i njihovog protjecanja i deformiranja u različitim uvjetima – lijevanje, hladenje, tijekom vremena itd. Ekstruzija hrane je uspostavljena i vrlo svestrana tehnika za proizvodnju hrane, hrane za životinje, prehrambenih dodataka i okusa. Kliknite na navedeni link kako bi preuzeli dokumente o detaljima primjene reologije i ekstruzije u hrani.