
Pozivamo vas na vodeći događaj posvećen analizi kvalitete zraka. Datum: 10. 04.2025., ZAGREBTOWER, Radnička cesta 80,Zagreb Poštovani, S velikim zadovoljstvom
Pozivamo Vas na seminar SAFETY & SECURITY: Tehnologije detekcije CBRNE prijetnji.Seminar će se održati u prostorijama Kraš Auditoriuma 05.03.2024. s registracijom
KADA? 13. rujna – 18. listopada Utorkom od 17:30 CET Vrijeme trajanja: 30 minuta Pridružite nam se utorcima, počevši od
    Pharma e-Symposium: Advancements in Drug Development and Formulation  Register  September 14, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. EDT
Discover who we are becoming... New instruments, new applications, and new industries. With over 25 years of expertise and solutions
The Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ RaptIR™ FTIR Microscope offers precision and agility to help streamline sample analysis by quickly generating actionable
U nastavku teksta nalazi se kratak opis UV Curing opcije HAAKE Mars reometara. Ovdje Vam želimo predstaviti nove razvoje na
mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine against infectious diseases. Traditionally, vaccines use a weakened or inactivated form of
Join us in this 30 minute webinar to understand how Raman spectroscopy can help you to ease analytical bottle neck
Join us for Spectroscopy Week: Virtual Users Meeting Research, production and analytical laboratories worldwide rely on spectroscopy and other characterization