
Goals and Objectives:   Develop a methodology for the isolation and analysis of microplastic particles using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy
WHAT THE WEBINAR WILL BE ABOUT: During this one- hour webinar, we will present solutions that help you to measure
Increasing productivity is a consistent message that isn’t always backed by performance, making claims difficult to believe. QAQC labs often
Lab hack [lab hak] noun: A trick, shortcut, skill, or method that improves lab productivity and efficiency Our webinar series
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first revised its hand hygiene guidelines in 2002 to recommend alcohol-based hand
Welcome to the skilled guide on food rheology and extrusion! Here you’ll find a compendium of useful articles and application
As an Associate Professor at the Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, Dr. Yutaka Kameda has worked on several research projects
Having an all-in-one tool not only provides comprehensive insight with correlative analysis but enhances efficiency through automation and the simplicity
U ovim za sve nas izazovnim trenucima, djelatnici tvrtke Kobis se pridržavaju svih mjera preporučenih od Nacionalnog stožera Civilne zaštite
Poštovani poslovni suradnici, Organiziramo seminar gdje ćete imati priliku čuti informacije o izazovima i rješenjima za analizu mikroplastike iz okoliša