Join us in this 30 minute webinar to understand how Raman spectroscopy can help you to ease analytical bottle neck in Bio pharmaceutical manufacturing. Event details: 9/6/2021, 3:30 PM – 9/6/2021, 4:00 PM Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb Microsoft Teams meeting Speakers: Shailesh Karavadra, Shailesh has over 15 years of […]
On-demand pharmaceutical impurity webinars

Are you interested in how you can optimize your impurity analysis workflows to obtain greater productivity, sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility to meet increasing regulatory requirements and lower limits of detection? Would you like to achieve all of this, whilst also increasing laboratory efficiency and reducing the cost per sample? If so, then you will find […]
National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training Collaboration Information

A collaboration built for Biopharma The National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT ) is a world-class institute based near Dublin in Ireland, providing training and research solutions for the bioprocessing industry. In 2016 a collaboration was established between NIBRT and Thermo Fisher Scientific to: Enhance structural knowledge Ensure drug safety and quality Accelerate manufacturing innovations Deepen […]
e-Book: Integrative Structural Biology

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and mass spectrometry (MS) – equip structural biologists with sophisticated ways to define complex structures at an unprecedented level of detail. Investigate now »
eBook: Advances in Biopharmaceutical Characterization

Interview with Alexander Makarov In this eBook, readers will gain insight into the evolution and future of Orbitrap-based mass spectrometry systems straight from the inventor of this technology, Alexander Makarov, Director of Global Research LSMS at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Learn more »
Webinar: Native mass spectrometry – a new platform for the characterization of therapeutic targets | December 5

Join us on December 5, 2017 for the last of our 3-part webinar series that covers Invention, Research & Application of Intact & Native Mass Spectrometry for Biopharmaceuticals. In this lecture Prof. Dame Carol Robinson DBE, FRS FMedSci (University of Oxford; President elect of the Royal Society of Chemistry; and founder of OMass) will demonstrate […]